Tasting Notes



Reminiscent of the tavern ales enjoyed by the lumberworkers of the market.  This beer is perfectly balanced between malt and hops with just the right amount of body.  Notes of toast and caramel are present with honey and pine aroma

ABV = 5.0%  •  IBU = 42  •  SRM = 12


Bytown Brown

The Bytown Brown is a surprisingly light beer.  It is not a thick dark beer loaded with roasted flavour as some might suspect.  Instead, it is a light drinking beer complete with a complex blend of sweet and roasted malts leaving the drinker feeling refreshed.

ABV = 4.8%  •  IBU = 28  •  SRM = 18


1826 Gold

Despite being an ale, it is very clean and very smooth.  The aroma is that of cereal grains with a light floral note at the end.  Upon drinking, the flavors subtly take over the mouth leaving very little bitterness.  There is a noticeably sweet taste that appears just before the carbonation cleans the palate.

ABV = 4.6% • IBU = 18 • SRM = 2

Timberslide IPA

The aroma is full of tropical fruit and tangerine with just a hint of balsamic.   The bitterness is light to beginning then gets stronger over time.  The bitterness at no times overwhelms the grapefruit and tropical fruit flavours.

ABV = 5.4%  •  IBU = 38  •  SRM = 6



Our ESB is copper colour and the nose is a blend of sweet caramel and fruity aromas.  The flavours are more complex.  At first taste, sweet caramel and light toffees are overwhelming.  As the flavour develops a mix of fruity, spicy, and citrus start to present and eventually take over the sweeter flavours.

ABV = 5.3%  •  IBU = 36  •  SRM = 8


El Camino

Brewed in Collaboration with El Camino, a well known local Taco and Mexican eatery.  The El Camino Mexican Lager is THE beer of the summer.  Ultra refreshing and easy drinking.  A Slight hint of corn with a nice dry finish.  Brewed true to style of the original Mexican lagers brewed by German immigrants n the 1800’s who brought lager brewing and adapted it to local ingredients.

ABV = 4.5%  •  IBU = 15  •  SRM = 2

Sappers Stout

Because of the nitrogen added (instead of carbon dioxide) it has a smooth creamy body that makes the oyster stout very easy to drink.  The flavor is slightly salty with a hint of roast.  Once the beer warms up a slight caramel sweetness becomes noticeable.  Even though it is a stout it is extremely drinkable and does not leave people feeling full.

ABV = 5%  •  IBU = 27  •  SRM = 40


raspberry wheat

Long before hops were used for brewing, fruit was essential in creating good beer.  Some of the most popular fruit beers that have survived are the Belgian Frambozen (Raspberry) or Kriek (Cherry).  Today beer can be found with just about any type of fruit.

ABV = 4.4%  •  IBU = 18  •  SRM = 2